The Revolution starts...NOW!


If 1967 gave us the 'Summer of Love', 1968 brought the confrontations in Chicago and the assassinations of Kennedy and King. By ‘69 things were starting to feel very dangerous. If the Revolution was going to happen it wasn't going to be without a little violence. The status quo was not about to give up without a fight. Volunteers is the rock album for The Revolution That Never Was. In many ways it's as relevant today as it was 40 years ago. That Revolution may not have succeeded, but Grace Slick (pictured here in a photograph I took of her in 1969) and the Jefferson Airplane certainly did. Of all their albums, 'Volunteers' political stance overshadows the rest of their albums and one of those songs "We Can Be Together” contains a lyric that's eerily as relevant today as it was then.
"All your private property is target for your enemy.. And your enemy is greed."
If that isn't a warning for Conservative America, then I don't know what is.
This album is an unrecognized timeless masterpiece that I still get the chills playing, preferably as loud as possible.


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